Creation of Supports

1| Introduction

Contact Details

Company Name/Institution
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Acronym or abbreviation
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Copy and paste the direct link to your hosted image on your website.
Recommended 152x80 (px)
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Performance Scale

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Role in Supporting Social Innovation

Indicate your three main ways of acting in support of social innovation
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2| Activities and Audience

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Main target audience

Indicate your three main ways of acting in support of social innovation.
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3| Initiatives, Supporters and Partnerships

Social Innovation Initiatives

Indique as iniciativas de inovação social que você da suporte ou apoia diretamente

Partners involved in promoting activities

Indicate your main partners among those in the support ecosystem

4| Cause that acts

Do you work for any specific cause?

5| Investment

Do you make direct investment of resources?

Fill in all required fields (*) to submit the form.
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